The event was graced by the esteemed Chief Guest, Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma (IPS), and Mrs. Shraddha Joshi Sharma (IRS). Whose presence significantly elevated the significance of this prestigious conference. GDGISMUN is proud to host over 650 young change makers from 35+ schools and 10+universities across 8 educational boards, representing four countries: India, Canada, UAE, and the United States. This makes GDGISMUN the most diverse MUN in Gujarat, further enriching the discourse and fostering a global perspective among our participants.
GDGISMUN 5.0 provided a platform where young minds engaged in stimulating debates, developed their diplomatic skills, and gained insights into global issues. This year’s conference witnessed participation from students across various schools, all coming together to simulate the workings of the United Nations.
The theme of GDGISMUN 5.0, “Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future,” aligned with the school’s commitment to fostering leadership, critical thinking, and global awareness among students. The conference featured various committees discussing pressing international matters, encouraging delegates to collaborate and propose innovative solutions.
The Chief Guest Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma inaugurated the ceremony, extending her best wishes to all the participants. His keynote address inspired delegates, emphasizing the importance of youth participation in global governance and sustainable development. GDGISMUN 5.0 was not just a conference; it was a journey towards understanding the complexities of international relations and the role of young leaders in shaping the future. The event provided an enriching experience for all attendees, fostering a spirit of collaboration and learning.